Keep your options open and everything will fall into place. 给自己留出选择的余地,一切将会水到渠成。
Tell Me About Yourself is the most popular way for hiring managers to start most one-on-one job interviews; get this part right and the rest of the interview will just naturally fall into place. 在一对一面试的是时候,面试官最常问的开场问题就是做个自我介绍吧。在面试中,自我介绍做好了,剩下的部分也就能水到渠成了。
After that, things slowly began to fall into place. 自此以后,情况开始慢慢走向正轨。
It is quite possible that everything will fall into place, and a financial fix, cheaper credit, higher stock prices, better job market conditions, improving confidence and sustained spending will reinforce each other in the US and globally. 很可能一切都会好起来:在美国和全球范围内,金融体系修复、信贷价格下降、股市上扬、就业市场好转、市场信心增强以及支出持续增长之间相互促进。
By the middle of this century, English could fall into fifth place behind Arabic in the numbers who speak it as a first language. 到本世纪中叶,以英语为第一语言的人口可能少于阿拉伯母语人口,跌倒世界第五位。
As soon as one decides to take a role after having read the script, the various elements begin to fall into place. 当你读完剧本决定出演这个角色的时候,那些元素就各就各位了。
All I have to do is pick an occupation* Things will fall into place after that 我所要做的就只是选择一份职业,在此之后一切事情都解决了
To make or become aware, informed, or sophisticated. I knew that a great many parts of the puzzle had to fall into place. 使知道,知情,谙于世事我知道,有大量难办的事情需要落到实处。
HOPE was given as the ultimate tool or method that enabled individuals to endure life while they wer waiting for their unmet needs to be fulfilled or fall into place. 人们在期盼自己的需要得到满足或自己的愿望依次实现时,怀有希望是使个人忍受生活的最根本的生活方式。
Christopher Palmer, head of emerging markets at Gartmore, a fund manager, says: "a combination of technology and better risk management instruments has eased the way for a whole chain of events to fall into place." 基金管理公司gartmore的新兴市场主管克里斯多弗鲍尔默(christopherpalmer)表示:“技术和更优良的风险管理工具相结合,有利于使各个环节变得井然有序。”
Sometimes a detective can think about a whole lot of observations and suddenly realise that they fall into place and make sense if so-and-so did the murder. 有时候,一个侦探能思考一大堆的观察,然后突然意识到,如果是某某人进行了谋杀,这些观察到的东西就有了条理、可以说得通了。
What he has told me and what has happened will fall into place like the pieces of a puzzle. 他所说的和所发生的一切情况都会象拼板游戏中的一块块图板那样各得其所。
If you plan the project well, then everything should fall into place. 如果你把计划安排好,一切都应当进行得有条不紊。
Eventually you will fall asleep into a peaceful place and hopefully have sweet dreams. 最后,你会入眠,进入一个平和的地方,希望你会有甜蜜的梦。
You will have no trouble getting things to fall into place. 让事情井然有序似乎没什么困难。
The rest of the r é sum é will fall into place because some of the information cannot be deleted or altered. 简历其余部分将自然呈现;因为有些信息是无法删除或修改的。
Rather than being so concerned about losing control, sometimes you just have to trust in yourself and others by allowing everything to fall naturally into place. 不要太在乎你的控制力,有的时候,你要做的就是相信自己,相信别人,让所有事情都顺其自然地发生。
It should fall into place. 事情就要有眉目了。
At first I do not see your point but after I read your report everything fall into place. 起初我不明白你的观点,后来看了你的报告,一切就明白了。
When did these flag rules fall into place? 什么时候倒挂国旗是可以接受的?
Put more in their Christmas stockings, and they'll fall into place. 多给他们点好处,他们就会规规矩矩的。
Everything will fall into place. 事情该怎样,就会怎样。
What does not fall into place, I must report, is a sustained evening of theater. 什么没有落在这个空间里?我必须报告,是一个持续的戏剧之夜。
If this message were transmitted loud and clear, and better still combined with real progress towards a just peace in palestine, the makings of a grand bargain might just fall into place. 如果这个信息能传递的更为鲜明和清晰,再加上更加有力的推动巴勒斯坦和平进程,全盘交易就有可能实现。
As you learn to do this, everything will fall into place and wonderful synchronicities will begin to manifest in your lives. 由于你学到这么去做,每件事情都会安置就位,奇妙的同步性将开始在你们的生活中显现出来。
And just when all the pieces starting to fall into place, the four year deadline is right around the corner, and the mess? 当这一切都即将走上正轨,四年任期却又近在咫尺。剩下的这团乱麻怎么办?
I knew that a great many parts of the puzzle had to fall into place. 我知道,有大量难办的事情需要落到实处。
When the hurlers are putting zeroes on the board and balls are being caught, everything else just seems to fall into place. 当投手没让对手得分且所有的球都被接到,所有的事情似乎就理所当然的到位了。
Gogol holds that social order, legality and welfare will eventually fall into place when people's inner being and moral conduct have improved. 他认为,只要人们的内心完善了,道德修养完善了,其他的诸如社会秩序、法制以及社会福利等都会自然而然地随之完善。
It also provide the area for watch field and at the same time pay attention to the use of the border area. Activity venues in accordance with different age object is used to be reasonable to partitions, or provide appropriate site, which could fall into place. 以提供驻足观看的场地,同时要注重边界区域的使用;活动场地应按照不同年龄阶段使用对象进行合理分区或提供相应的活动场所,使其能够各得其所。